
Suicom Alarm Server - Alert, inform, react

The safe and effective dissemination of information can ensure the success of a company. To meet the diverse requirements of the information to be forwarded simultaneously or sequentially to individuals or groups of people.

The Suicom Alarm Server monitors connected sensors, transforms incoming signals, edits, logs and forwards these signals as configured. The interaction with a Suicom Communication Server provides the transport of information to different destinations.

The safe and effective dissemination of information can ensure the success of a company, increase customer satisfaction, save lives and protect property. To meet the diverse requirements of the information to be forwarded simultaneously or sequentially to individuals or groups of people.

The Suicom Alarm Server meets all these requirements. He monitors connected sensors, transforms incoming signals, edits, logs and forwards these signals as configured. The interaction with a Suicom Communication Server provides the transport of information to different destinations such as SMS and eMail.

These incidents must result in several activities:


  1. Cause alarm / information process.
  2. The preconfigured person or group of people in charge need to receive a message.
  3. On the basis of this information activities can be organized.
  4. In case that one of the people in charge is prevented for any reason it must be ensured that the alert message is escalated / passed on.

Flexibility is the key feature of the Suicom Alarm Server: different scenarios with a diverse number of involved persons can be handled.

All use cases have the same purpose, independent of the environment the Alarm Server is used in:

  • Protect employees, customers and patients,
  • avoid failures,
  • improve the service.

These purposes result in cost savings, improvement of the company value and positive customer and business partner perception.

Inputs and Outputs of the Suicom Alarm Server

RCS DiagramSuicom Alarm Server Overview

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